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STET is Latin for 'let it stand'. It's used by proofreaders to overrule a suggested edit. The babySTETs blog aims to give you the confidence to know what to do and what not to do as you venture through the world children's book writing, editing and publishing.

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The Winter’s Tale (A Shakespeare Children’s Story)

The Winter’s Tale is one of Shakespeare s most popular comedies. The play was first published in 1623 and has since been performed worldwide with great success. It is set in Sicily and revolves around the main character, King Leontes, who is consumed by doubts about his wife’s loyalty. Jealousy drives him to plot his best friend’s murder, imprison his wife and disown their unborn child. The play stretches over a period of sixteen long years during which Leontes realises his mistakes, and he is finally reunited with his estranged wife and daughter. This short narrative version of the play has been suitably adapted for young readers.


9 August 2018